The town of Monopoli is along the Adriatic coast, 43 km south of Bari, in the geographical area of the Land of Bari
It covers an area of 156 km and its territory is made up of a flat coastal strip, known as marine, rising quickly to the hills of the Murgia.
The coast, nearly 15 km long, is low and indented with more than 25 beautiful coves and wide sandy beaches is especially suitable for swimming, boating and exploring the underwater life. Very interesting is cycling starting from the coast until arriving in the hilly area, completely surrounded by nature.
The districts of the city , many of Which are now included Within the city center , are Characterized by the presence of ancient fortified farms ( centers conducting agricultural activities) , churches and cave settlements , trulli, villas and neoclassical houses.
The main crop is made up of olive and almond trees , but there are fruit trees (citrus , cherry , figs ) and Especially large crops of vegetables . The natural vegetation , Mainly Mediterranean maquis , is still present in different areas of the agriculture .
There are several Initiatives developed in recent years to protect this unique heritage , unique landscape value, botanical and plant history and culture .
The coastal plain is a landscape of extreme fascination for the ancient farms That dot and the presence of monumental and gnarled old olive trees , plants and wind shaped by time , living testimony to the history of this area .